
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fake Bin Laden Execution Video page on Facebook

Today I got a Facebook chat message from friend and asked me to visit facebook page with Bin Laden Execution Video. I am sure it is auto generated message due to the nature of the chat texts.

The link to page (but do not do what they asked you to do)

Then I visited to the Facebook page it asked to paste a javascript code on my Browser's Address Bar. Then Hit Enter!

I did not try as it definitely a joke or may be harmful for the computer and decided to inform my blog readers also. 

2nd Update:
Many users has update their profiles saying about this fake page. It seems this spreading on facebook very fast.

One of users status :

"Guys , I didn't share any Osama Video on your walls. Seems like it is a virus or something ... And don't visit that link"
  • Yes I guessed so and deleted it immediately.
  • yes akka. Its spreading really fast.
  •  Yes. 'You' were the third one to post that video on my wall..:)  

3rd Update

That idiot Facebook page has been removed from FB, be alert on such crazy things which destroy the value of FB

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