Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sri Lankan Ayurvedic doctor finds cure for AIDS

A Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Doctor has apparently found a cure for AIDS, although western medicine has not yet found a cure for it.

Read complete article from



Sam said...

Does he have a cure for politicians around here?

enTRpy said...

Hmmm... I have to say that I'm very skeptical about this report. The report does not provide sufficient information to back the claim that the patient was cured (ie: what reports did the said doctor provide?). In all cases (as far as I know) a negative result in an HIV positive patient means that the test is not sensitive enough to detect the viral load. This means that if the patient goes off treatment the virus will be back again. The only "cure" for HIV would be a vaccine. But if the good doc has come up with a method to prolong the time it takes for HIV to progress to AIDS and to boost immunity without the drastic side effects of current anti-HIV drugs then it is indeed awesome and I do applaud him. But claiming the treatment to be a "cure" might be premature or even improper without providing sufficient proof. Just my humble Rs. 0.02 on the issue.
